Irish Academy of Management PhD Virtual Writing Retreat Series
Hosted by Waterford Institute of Technology

Virtual Event: 08th - 12th March, 2021 (Delivered Virtually)

The Irish Academy of Management were delighted to present its second PhD Virtual Writers Retreat Initiative. This event was hosted by Waterford Institute of Technology following the successful event hosted by DCU in November. This series offered a collegial virtual environment to promote PhD academic progress facilitated by established academics. Its goal was to support progress in PhD skill development through mutual motivation and communal accountability.

What is a PhD virtual writers retreat?

This virtual event was facilitated by a senior academic who offered advice at each break as questions arise relating to the retreat. It was an opportunity to meet with peers and discuss opportunities, challenges or strategies for writing. Within the writers retreat, a formal discussion session was facilitated by a senior academic will on a topic relating to the PhD or writing process e.g. managing writers block, strategies for writing. 

The event drew on the Pomodoro Technique ( to structure short bursts of writing over a short period.